Blog | Point Foundation


Written by Andrae Vigil-Romero | June 01, 2021

As we reported in our last newsletter, this year we mark Point Foundation’s 20th anniversary – a milestone that we are celebrating through spring of 2022. Since our founding we have invested $43 million in students across the country. This year, we were proud to announce our largest and most diverse class ever – 134 students received support through our four-year, graduate, community college and one-time grant program.

That number has now grown to 158 when in March of this year we announced our first 24 scholarships awarded through our program for LGBTQ students who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color.

Point is proud of the incredible history of diversity in our scholar classes. But last year, as the nation began to reckon with the country’s history of racism and inequality, we knew we could do more to broaden and deepen our support for students disproportionately impacted by systemic racism in education. We set about creating a scholarship specifically designed to meet the needs of LGBTQ BIPOC students. The result was the creation of our new BIPOC Scholarship.

We will be announcing our next round of BIPOC scholarships during Pride Month in June, along with what we expect will be our largest class ever of undergraduate, graduate, and community college scholars! None of this would be possible without donors like you, and we are grateful for your staunch and generous support.

Read on to learn more about your impact from some of our scholars, who embody the future of the LGTBQ movement.