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5 Fall Must-Reads For LGBTQ Students

Written by Hope Harris | September 10, 2021

Looking for your next great read? Add these recommendations from this year's class of Point Scholars to your list!

1. Undrowned by Alexis Pauline Gumbs

2. Fun Home by Alison Bechdel

My LGBTQ must-read is Fun Home, by Alison Bechdel. Bechdel does a fantastic job of telling her life story in a way that is a story about coming out, a coming of age story, and a family tragedy all rolled into one book. The musical is an added bonus as well!

- Addison Smith (she/her), Point Community College Scholar

3. The Testosterone Files by Max Wolf Valerio

My favorite LGBTQ book is The Testosterone Files: My Hormonal and Social Transformation from Female to Male written by Max Wolf Valerio. In this book, Valerio chronicles his experiences navigating life as a lesbian who transitions to life as a heterosexual male. Anyone interested in a transmasculine experience must read this book.

- Michael Davidson (he/him), Point BIPOC Scholar

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4. When Brooklyn Was Queer by Hugh Ryan

 I listen to audiobooks more than I actually sit and read books. It's hard for me because of my ADHD. That being said, I have been telling everyone I know to read the book, "When Brooklyn was Queer" by Hugh Ryan. Not gonna lie, when I first started I thought it was going to be just about white men, but I was pleasantly surprised by how inclusive it was and learning about true queer historical events had such an impact on me. I'm from Brooklyn and never knew how rich its queer history was. Reading this felt like a hug. If non-fiction is your jam, I HIGHLY recommend. 

- Nicholas Rodriguez (he/him), Point Community College Scholar

5. A History of My Brief Body by Billy-Ray Belcourt

This summer, I read A History of My Brief Body, a series of essays and poems compiled by the author, Billy-Ray Belcourt. The collection offers an introspective of being both queer and indigenous to reflect his life and experiences, despite how brief his existence has been thus far. It is a must-read if you're looking to read raw emotions about the NDN experience and the intersectionality of queerness. 

- Pilar Garcia (they/them), Point BIPOC Scholar

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This post's responses were submitted by Point Community College Scholars Graciela Cain, Addison Smith, and Nicholas Rodriguez and Point BIPOC Scholars Pilar Garcia and Michael Davidson.

Read more about Point's Flagship, BIPOC, and Community College Scholarships.