Leave a Legacy

Our Impact
Since 2001, Point has worked to help LGBTQ college students access and succeed in higher education through scholarship financing, leadership development, mentorship, and community support.
of scholarship-grants have been awarded to LGBTQ+ students over the past 21 years.
scholarship and grant recipients that Point Foundation has supported in 2024-25.
of Point Foundation scholars are first-generation students and 84% are people of color.
of Community College Scholars transferred to four-year colleges: double the national average.
How to Contribute
Leave a gift
Gifts through your will or living trust can take many forms, such as cash, securities, or personal property. You can choose a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or even a particular asset.
Gift your real estate
Real estate donations can include residential properties, vacation homes, rental properties, or undeveloped land. With a donation, you can turn valuable assets into transformative opportunities.
"It is so rewarding to know that scholars will benefit from my gift for many years to come. I think of this as one of the most important ways I can make a lasting difference in our world."
— John Ruark, Legacy Circle Member
Join the Point Legacy Circle
Legacy Circle Benefits
- Leave a lasting legacy by enabling Point Foundation to continue providing scholarships for LGBTQ students for years to come.
- Legacy Circle members ensure that the recognition of your generosity will endure for generations to come.
- Make an impactful gift without using cash and costs nothing during your lifetime.
- Help your heirs tomorrow by eliminating or reducing estate and capital gains taxes.
- Legacy Circle members are honored on our website and in our annual report, are invited to Point Foundation events and programs, and will be kept updated on our scholars’ and alumni successes.
Planned Giving Options
- Bequests, Trusts, and IRAs - Testamentary gifts by will, trusts, and designation in IRAs provide important support.
- Blended Gifts - Blended gifts refer to a combination of giving strategies. Often, a current donation combined with a gift designed to be executed sometime in the future.
- Charitable Remainder Trusts - Charitable remainder trusts help you to gift while preserving or creating an income stream for yourself from the donated assets.
- Charitable Lead Trusts - Make current gifts while creating a way to transfer assets to your heirs in the future or, in some circumstances, have the assets revert to you.
Notify Us of Your Estate Plans and Support the Next Generation of LGBTQ Scholars
To explore how your legacy can make a lasting impact on LGBTQ students, we’d love to connect with you personally. Let’s schedule a time to chat with one of our team members, who can walk you through the next steps in the legacy giving process.
We’ll help you explore options like bequests, trusts, or IRAs and work together to find the best fit for your goals. By joining us, you’ll play a meaningful role in shaping a brighter future.