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October 05, 2013


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Point Scholars & Alumni Attend OUT on the Hill Leadership Summit

October 05, 2013

The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC)—America's leading Black LGBT civil rights organization focused on federal public policy— hosted the fourth annual OUT on the Hill Leadership Summit from September 18-22, 2013. Point Foundation was proud to be a sponsor and help empower emerging Black LGBT leaders to participate in social action. Voices On Point Scholar Gregory Davis, Wells Fargo Point Scholar Monica Motley, and Point Alumni Ashland Johnson and  Noël Gordon attended the event and share their experience from the summit.


Wells Fargo Point Scholar Monica Motley Wells Fargo Point Scholar Monica Motley


Speaking about the summit, Monica said, "It was truly an awesome experience and I was able to make some great connections on a personal and professional level. More importantly, it was really empowering to be around other black queer folks, and share with them information about Point Foundation. Even more special is that I had my first lobbying experience regarding LGBTQ issues and it was great!"


Point Alumnus Noël Gordon Point Alumnus Noël Gordon


"As a black, gay man, it's not often I get to be in a room with people who look and sound like me. But OUT on the Hill never disappoints," said alumnus Noël Gordon.

"I always leave the conference feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. From expert panel discussions to impromptu dialogues outside the restroom, the National Black Justice Coalition knows how to bring Black LGBT people together in a way that no one else does.

This year I had double the fun, representing both the Human Rights Campaign and Point Foundation. Speaking to people about the tremendous impact Point has had on my life was an incredible experience. I remember forgoing doctors' appointments because I lacked health insurance. I remember checking textbooks out of the library because I wasn't able to purchase them. Point made these things possible, for me and countless others" .

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