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Student Support & Programming

In addition to providing financial aid, our scholarship programming aims to support LGBTQ+ and ally students' success in higher education through LGBTQ+ and ally community connections, mentorship, and leadership development. 

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In addition to providing financial aid, our scholarship programming aims to support LGBTQ+ and ally students' success in higher education through LGBTQ+ and ally community connections, mentorship, and leadership development. 


When you become a Point Foundation Scholar, you join a community of hundreds of alumni and current scholars, as well as a network of LGBTQ+ and allied professionals. The Point Community will help you achieve your academic and career goals.

Group Mentorship

Scholars in our Flagship and Community College programs are placed in mentorship groups focused on themes such as LGBTQ+ advocacy, leadership development, authentic networking, or career exploration.  Students meet with a small group of peers and one to two LGBTQ+ or allied mentors for four weeks.

Leadership Programs

Point offers a variety of leadership development activities and events for scholars throughout the year. These include Point’s National Leadership Conference, forums with LGBTQ+ leaders, Out In Higher Ed Week, and more 

Point’s approach to leadership development focuses on four pillars of purposeful change-making

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Purpose – understanding what is important to you and why

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Superpowers – making the most of your own and others’ unique strengths  


Champions – building a network of advocates 


Wellness – caring for self and other to support sustainable leadership