Application Tips
Want to apply for a college scholarship with Point Foundation? Discover our scholarship tips to apply for Point financial aid and programming.

Want to apply for a college scholarship with Point Foundation? Discover our scholarship tips to apply for Point financial aid and programming.
General Scholarship Questions
I don’t know if I consider myself to be “out.” Should I still apply?
If selected as a scholarship recipient, your name and photo may be shared in Point materials or distributed on other platforms. Please determine if you are comfortable with this requirement before participating in our application process.
I do not know yet where I will be attending college, should I still apply to be a Point Scholar?
Yes. You neither have to be enrolled nor accepted to a particular program/university to apply to be a Point Scholar.
Is there an age limit to apply to become a Point Scholar?
No, there is no age limit to be eligible for a Point Scholarship.
If my career goals are not exclusively focused on the LGBTQ community, should I still apply?
Yes, Point selects scholars who have a drive to contribute to society, regardless of their chosen career focus.
Scholarship application tips
Yes. Point uses a holistic evaluation process that considers merit criteria as well as financial need. See Point’s scholarship page for more information about selection criteria.
Are Point's scholarship awards restricted to any specific geographic regions?
Point Scholars must be enrolled in an accredited US higher education institution. Institutions located in US territories are ineligible.
Does Point provide scholarships to undocumented or international students?
Yes, undocumented students and international students are eligible if they enroll at a U.S. based college.
If I apply and am not selected as a Point Scholar, may I reapply?
Yes, applicants may reapply the following year. Point does not keep copies of semifinalist or finalist materials from your previous application. Each returning applicant should submit the most current and competitive information possible, and not recycle their previous application.
Can prior Point Scholars apply for another Point scholarship?
Yes, prior Point scholarship recipients are eligible to apply for another Point scholarship. Students may not receive more than one Point scholarship at a time. Point’s Flagship Scholarship provides a maximum of four years of financial support.
Can I submit my application early?
While there is no benefit to early submission, Point highly recommends applicants submit their applications as soon as they have their materials ready. All complete applications submitted by the deadline receive equal consideration. Consult scholarship pages for information about the application window and deadline.
How will I know if Point received my scholarship application?
Applicants will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted your application. You will also be able to log into the application portal to see the status of your application.
Can I submit a paper scholarship application?
Scholarship applications may only be submitted online. Faxed or mailed applications will not be considered.
Point scholarship applicants are required to submit their most recent academic transcript with a calculated grade point average. Applicants should contact the last school they attended and request an unofficial transcript.
Will Point Foundation contact the employers, supervisors, and references I list in my application?
Point reserves the right to contact any of the individuals or entities listed in your application.
When will I know if I have been selected as a finalist?
Consult the webpage for each individual scholarship program for information about application and material deadlines.
Will I need to submit any supplemental information?
Finalists will receive notification if supplemental information is required.
Application Info
For all other questions and concerns, please email, or fill out our contact us form.