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Community Blog

Discover stories about how Point Foundation LGBTQ students, alumni and network are impacting communities world-wide. 

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Discover stories about how Point Foundation LGBTQ students, alumni and network are impacting communities world-wide. 

The rights of LGBTQ people nationwide are under attack. In the past year, legislators erased LGBTQ identities from schools and sports, and cut funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts on...

November 06, 2019, teampoint

Showing Up to the Polls

On November 5, 2019, state and local elections were held in communities across the United States,...

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September 24, 2019, teampoint

Finding Purpose in Activism with Inclusion NextWork

Photo courtesy of Inclusion NextWork In January 2004 my grandparents took me to Havana, Cuba to...

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September 18, 2019, teampoint

Teaching the teachers: Learning how to care for queer+ undergrads

Teaching: Avoiding Bias. Your Classroom: Optional Equity Training. Diversity Matters. And those are...

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September 11, 2019, teampoint

Unexpected Community at the #PointCommunityCollege Transfer Symposium

2019 Point Foundation Community College Scholarship Recipients Never having been to Los Angeles...

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May 17, 2019, teampoint

Navigating Safe Spaces After Graduation

The University of Southern California, my very-soon-to-be alma matter, is surrounded by four walls....

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April 30, 2019, teampoint

Confessions of a Recovering Impostor

On the evening of October 13, 2018, I gave a speech in the International Ballroom of the Beverly...

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March 13, 2019, teampoint

Putting students in control of their learning

Photo: Point Scholar Maddie Pavek as a History Day participant in 2016 Throughout middle and high...

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March 06, 2019, teampoint

Working to get accessible HIV testing on campus

Being a Point Scholar means that I have the opportunity to create a Community Service Project each...

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February 26, 2019, teampoint

Celebrating Black History in Fashion

Hey everybody! First off, Happy Black History Month! My name is Vanessa (she/her), Point’s resident...

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December 14, 2018, teampoint

“You Do Not Belong Here,” or an Alabama Girl Talks Higher Education

My Mema (pronounced with an invisible w at the end) would have been 95 on January 13th. She was...

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October 29, 2018, teampoint

Queer Fashion: More Than Just Clothes

What is fashion? What are clothes? Are they something you wear just because you have to? You know,...

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October 24, 2018, teampoint

Rewriting the Story for LGBTQ Students Heading to College

Photo: Seth Owen Everyone loves a story with a happy ending. One of the most heart-warming stories...

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