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Community Blog

Discover stories about how Point Foundation LGBTQ students, alumni and network are impacting communities world-wide. 

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Discover stories about how Point Foundation LGBTQ students, alumni and network are impacting communities world-wide. 

The rights of LGBTQ people nationwide are under attack. In the past year, legislators erased LGBTQ identities from schools and sports, and cut funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts on...

September 09, 2016, teampoint

Being Trans in the Classroom

I meant to write this blog post about being trans while teaching. It will be about that, but as I...

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August 04, 2016, teampoint

National Leadership Conference (NLC) 2016

Having grown up in a low-income household, I never had the opportunity to travel very far. In fact,...

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January 26, 2016, teampoint

Tips for Transitioning to Fieldwork: Preparing for Your First Expedition as an FTM Grad Student

by Point Scholar Shayle Matsuda Last year, 2015, was a big year. I defended my biology masters’...

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November 18, 2015, teampoint

Exploring the Struggles within the LGBTQ Community

Photo: Ashley Burnside (L) with Point Scholar Kayla Wingert (R) at the Out for Work conference. I...

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March 23, 2015, teampoint

The Trans Buddy Program Is Transforming Healthcare

We waited in the thick summer air, just outside the emergency room entrance. The parking garage was...

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January 27, 2015, teampoint

Scholars Speak: Leelah Alcorn and Transphobia

In the wake of the death of Leelah Alcorn, a 17-year-old girl, I think we can all agree that no...

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November 20, 2013, teampoint

Point Scholars Educating Medical Students on Transgender Healthcare Issues

Point Scholars are required to complete an annual Community Service Project (CSP) that will...

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May 13, 2013, teampoint

Scholar Jake Rostovsky Starts Transgender Nonprofit

Ever since I transitioned, I knew that I wanted to dedicate my life to helping the transgender...

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January 30, 2013, teampoint

Scholar Nicole Robert Seeks Applicants for Digital Storytelling Project

For my Community Service Project (CSP), I am creating a digital storytelling project working in...

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