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October 29, 2021

Hope Harris

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Meet Point BIPOC Scholar Thia Starkey

October 29, 2021
Hope Harris

Why did you choose your major or program? 

After taking time to find my passion I started working in a hospital as a patient care tech. Watching the nurses working and seeing them taking care of patients I knew that is what I wanted to do.

What is a fun fact about you that few people know?

I love to crochet in my free time and few people know it and even fewer would suspect it by looking at me.

What is your favorite song and why?

Landslide by Fleetwood Mac is my favorite song. I think I love this song so much because it's about changing and I think we should all always be changing.

What is your current favorite streaming binge and why?

Though I am an adult I loved binging She-Ra recently. I think the reason I loved it was because I wish that there had been more shows like this when I was a kid. A show with a strong lesbian female lead would have been so helpful as a kid.

What is your favorite hobby or activity you like to do in your free time?

Right now I have three hobbies that I do in my free time constantly. I love to workout now, listen to audiobooks, and write for my own enjoyment.

How have your identities (race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender) affected your college experience?

Being gay has definitely affected my college experience. I was struggling with my sexual identity in the beginning of college even though I have been out for years as gay. I had a hard time feeling like myself and that reflected in my grades a bit. I worked through that doubt in myself and has actually improved my college experience overall.

How do you practice self-care?

I have recently started using working out as a time to reflect on my day and on my feelings. I have also been just taking time to write and work through things that bother me. Both have been so important and helpful in my self-care.

How are you adjusting to the "new normal" as we're emerging from this pandemic? Do you have any tips for other students who are going back to college this semester?

I am adjusting as well as can be expected with the "new normal". The advice I would give is stay safe, but don't neglect your social interactions because it is important to mental health. Even if that means making a call to talk to someone you care about or socially distanced time with friends.

As a Point BIPOC Scholar, what is your message to other LGBTQ+ BIPOC students?

Life can definitely be hard being different from others, but don't let that stop you from being yourself fully. The opinions of others don't matter nearly as much as being comfortable with yourself.

This post’s responses were submitted by Point BIPOC Scholar Thia Starkey (She/He/They).

Thia is currently studying nursing at Heartland Community College. Read more about the Point BIPOC Scholarship for LGBTQ students program here.

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