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October 11, 2021

Hope Harris

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Meet Point BIPOC Scholar Nahum Yanez

October 11, 2021
Hope Harris

Why did you choose your major or program? 

Because I love technology!

What is a fun fact about you that few people know?

I like to make people laugh.

What is your favorite song and why?

Feeling Good by Nina Simone. I like this song because it says that I am feeling good, no matter what, we always have to be thankful for the so much that life gives us.

What is your favorite hobby or activity you like to do in your free time?

I like to go jogging.

How have your identities (race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender) affected your college experience?

There is a lack of resources for people like me being of color and gay.

How do you practice self-care?

I try to eat healthy, sleep well, and do daily exercise, so I feel good mentally to do all the homework and other daily duties.

How are you adjusting to the "new normal" as we're emerging from this pandemic? Do you have any tips for other students who are going back to college this semester?

Keep maintaining social distance and healthy measures to avoid the spread of COVID.

As a Point BIPOC Scholar, what is your message to other LGBTQ+ BIPOC students?

No matter what, never give up on your dreams.

This post’s responses were submitted by Point BIPOC Scholar Nahum Yanez (He/Him/His).

Nahum is currently studying web development at Highline College. Read more about the Point BIPOC Scholarship for LGBTQ students program here.

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