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October 27, 2021

Hope Harris

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Meet Point BIPOC Scholar Adrian Polk

October 27, 2021
Hope Harris

Why did you choose your major or program? 

Growing up in Detroit is to grow up in a beautiful creative space with people of color. But again and again, I would hear story after story of people taken advantage of as creative individuals. Bad contracts, sexual assault, copyright infringement, and no knowledge of the business aspect of entertainment. It took me a long time to have enough courage to pursue law; because I was taught very early that Black poor dark-skinned girls may not have what it takes to lead and create change. But once I trusted within the power of myself, I knew that I was meant to pursue both entertainment and law.

What is a fun fact about you that few people know?

All of my tattoos are Detroit-themed. I have a wanderlust spirit and wanted to make sure that no matter where I lived or where I go I remember the lively, crazy, beautiful place where I came from.

What is your favorite song and why?

What A Wonderful World by Satchmo (Louis Armstrong). I cry every time I hear it.

What is your current favorite streaming binge and why?

Terrace House on Netflix. I'm OBSESSED. Can I move to Tokyo like, today?

What is your favorite hobby or activity you like to do in your free time?

I like to learn languages, and play instruments. Currently contemplating if I want to pick up the bass guitar.

How have your identities (race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender) affected your college experience?

I wouldn't be at my college if I were not a first-generation poor Black woman. When I was choosing colleges I recognized that depression, misogyny, racism, and classism had affected my ability to pursue things in my life. I constantly held myself back because of being told time and time again that I couldn't do something. I knew in order to keep advancing I needed to go to a school that taught me to have more faith and confidence in myself, my femininity, my mind, and my Black-ness. Spelman isn't perfect, but it is a perfect stepping ground for me.

How do you practice self-care?

I'm still in the stages of reminding myself that self-care is important. For me, self-care is a lot more than a mani-pedi or a facial. It's practicing the self act to put mental, physical, and spiritual health first. When I don't and I burn myself out, it puts a damper on everything in my life.

How are you adjusting to the "new normal" as we're emerging from this pandemic? Do you have any tips for other students who are going back to college this semester?

I'm struggling. I'm entering a new stage of my life that I've never been in before and it's scary. I haven't dealt with the trials and tribulations that happened before and during the pandemic because I've been in survival mode for almost the past two years. I'm trying really hard to not be afraid of this new stage of life and reaching out for help and advice when I need it. Reminding myself that many others have and are still struggling from the pandemic and that presents itself in different ways.

As a Point BIPOC Scholar, what is your message to other LGBTQ+ BIPOC students?

Being queer is a treasure that shouldn't be hidden, but also doesn't mean everyone has the privilege of that gift.

This post’s responses were submitted by Point BIPOC Scholar Adrian Polk (She/Her/They).

Adrian is currently studying English and Pre-Law at Spelman College. Read more about the Point BIPOC Scholarship for LGBTQ students program here.

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