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Community Blog

Discover stories about how Point Foundation LGBTQ students, alumni and network are impacting communities world-wide. 

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Discover stories about how Point Foundation LGBTQ students, alumni and network are impacting communities world-wide. 

The rights of LGBTQ people nationwide are under attack. In the past year, legislators erased LGBTQ identities from schools and sports, and cut funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts on...

March 23, 2017, teampoint

How Bathrooms Enforce the Gender Binary

Today I read an article discussing the possible criminal legal implications of the flourishing...

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March 20, 2017, teampoint

A Love Letter to Queer Folks in Kentucky (and Other Red States)

Since moving out two years ago to Pomona, California (A small town just east of Los Angeles) from...

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March 06, 2017, teampoint

Lack of Queer Sex Ed is More Than Tragedy, It’s State Violence

For my community service project this year, I chose to compile sexual health resources that were...

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March 02, 2017, teampoint

DSCH and Politicized Symphonies As They Exist Today

It has been said that “all art is political.” In the history of Western classical music, this has...

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February 20, 2017, teampoint

"First they came": Speaking Out Against Injustices

First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they...

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January 23, 2017, teampoint

LGBTQ Identity and Impostor Syndrome

When I first discovered the Point Foundation website, I went directly to the list of scholarship...

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January 18, 2017, teampoint

How to Resist a Trump Presidency

I sat on the couch with my partner and one of my mothers as we decided to watch the documentary...

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January 13, 2017, teampoint

Reflecting on Progress for LGBTQ & Racially Marginalized Women in STEM

Though many people have their reservations about 2016, for me, I’ve been able to grow both as a...

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January 30, 2013, teampoint

Scholar Nicole Robert Seeks Applicants for Digital Storytelling Project

For my Community Service Project (CSP), I am creating a digital storytelling project working in...

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