Meet Point Community College Scholarship Recipient Raelynn Requena
May 01, 2021
Hope Harris
Which community college are you currently attending?
Cypress College
Photo Credit:
Which program are you pursuing and what about the subject intrigues you most?
I am pursuing both Psychology and African American Studies. When it comes to psychology, I enjoy learning about how the mind works and how I can apply that knowledge to help people in need. With African American Studies, I love learning about a side of history that is usually ignored or overshadowed. I hope to earn high degrees in both my majors and use them to benefit and educate those around me.
What are your education and career aspirations?
I want to eventually receive a Doctorate degree and become a psychiatrist who works in a prison. I have also, recently, looked into teaching at a college level.
What is a fun fact about you that few people know?
I played the clarinet for three years and was in marching band.
What is your favorite book/movie/song and why?
My favorite book is "Identical" by Ellen Hopkins because it tackles important, heavy themes and tells a story in a suspenseful and entertaining way.
Photo Credit: Apple Books
What is your current favorite streaming binge and why?
My favorite streaming binge is The Originals because I am absolutely in love with all the characters and I simply just enjoy the show. I've lost track of how many times I have rewatched it, but I will continue to do so until they take it off Netflix.
In your spare time, what do you enjoy doing?
I love practicing flow arts whenever I’m not studying. If I’m feeling like a chill day, I choose to craft my life away.
How are you practicing self-care during this difficult time?
During this time, my self-care has become crafting, flowing, reading, exercising and long walks on the beach at sunset.
How are you adjusting to remote life and what are your tips to stay motivated?
Remote life was a bit of a rough transition for me because I had to force myself to stay motivated. This was especially hard at first because I have not one, not two, but THREE extremely cuddly and playful cats.
But now, I have a schedule up on my wall that I stare at every morning to remind myself to stay on task. I limit my screen time from anything other than school work until the weekend, or until my work is done for the day. I make sure to eat on a schedule as well, to avoid distracted snacking. But my favorite tip of all, is finding a buddy with whom to virtually study. My friends and I get on FaceTime or Zoom and study for a few hours to keep us accountable. Bonus points if you find buddies in your classes, or who’ve previously taken the courses you’re currently taking to ask for help or tutoring.
As a Point Community College Scholarship Recipient, what is your message to other LGBTQ+ students?
My message to other LGBTQ+ students is to be as much yourself as possible. I spent too much of my life hiding who I was, afraid of not being liked, and it is a dark, lonely place to be a passenger in your own body. If you’re able, please make your environment a safe space for yourself to be who you are. Love each day, whether good or bad, and find the lesson in difficult moments. Be sure to have a good support system for the hard times, and if you don’t have anyone, I’m always open to new friends! And please remember to respond to negativity with love, not fear, my dear. You are a light so bright that you emit rainbows, so never let anyone dim your sparkle! ✨
This post’s responses were submitted by Point Community College Scholarship Recipient Raelynn Requena (She/Her/Hers).
Requena is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology and African American Studies at Cypress College. Read more about Raelynn here.