Meet Point Scholar Kishan
What college/university are you attending and what made you choose it? UC Riverside School of...

Social Distancing is a Privilege
Photo Credit: NBC Bay Area I am fortunate and privileged to live in a one-bedroom apartment with my...

Should I come out in my application?
I was dressed in a navy suit with red corgi socks and a pink bow tie. I had looked at myself in the...

Bridging the Gap Between Nursing and Activism
A radical organizer who I love and respect has a saying that goes something like “you can do direct...

My Experience with Trans Healthcare, From Patient to Doctor
In 2006 I was sitting in the waiting room of a monthly free trans health clinic in Portland. It was...

Scholar Siddarth Puri Creates LGBTQ+ Lecture Series at UC Davis School of Medicine
Photo: Scholar Sid Puri (left) with students from the LGBTQ+ lecture series. Point Scholars are...