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April 23, 2021

Hope Harris

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Meet Point Community College Scholarship Recipient Nancy Berger

April 23, 2021
Hope Harris

Which community college are you currently attending?

Roxbury Community College

Photo Credit: The Boston Globe

Which program are you pursuing and what about the subject intrigues you most?

Biotechnology and Biochemistry in general is my subject interest.

What are your education and career aspirations?

I would like to pursue a BS/MS program in Biotechnology.

What is a fun fact about you that few people know?

I'm obsessed with science fiction and horror podcasts. And, in my spare time, I write short stories to submit to No Sleep (unsuccessfully, it's for my own enjoyment).

Photo Credit: Discover Pods

What is your favorite book/movie/song and why?

Dune by Frank Herbert. When I was a teenager I lived in a small town and reading the detailed and intricate universe of Dune provided me a safe escape from the world around me.

Photo Credit:

What is your current favorite streaming binge and why?

The Sheridan Tapes, because I love the way the story-telling flows.

In your spare time, what do you enjoy doing?

Writing, reading, cooking, and doodling on occasion!

How are you practicing self-care during this difficult time?

I have meditated at least once a day, and I've been enjoying trying different face masks that I find at Dollar Tree.

How are you adjusting to remote life and what are your tips to stay motivated?

I have both a digital and physical calendar that I use to keep track of stuff. And I make my bed every morning and get dressed into real clothes so that it sets the tone for the rest of the day so that I stay out of bed.

As a Point Community College Scholarship Recipient, what is your message to other LGBTQ+ students?

Please don't lose hope and that there is a whole community of loving people in this world that will and love and accept you.

This post’s responses were submitted by Point Community College Scholarship Recipient Nancy Berger (She/Her/Hers).

Berger is currently pursuing a degree in Biotechnology and Biological Services at Roxbury Community College. Read more about Nancy here.

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