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April 16, 2021

Hope Harris

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Meet Point Community College Scholarship Recipient Melissa Santiago

April 16, 2021
Hope Harris

Which community college are you currently attending?

Miami Dade College

Photo Credit: Miami Dade College

Which program are you pursuing and what about the subject intrigues you most?

Biotechnology. Math is the hardest part for me.

What are your education and career aspirations?

I want to join the medical field.

What is a fun fact about you that few people know?

I am very communicative, however I am shy in front of crowds.

What is your favorite book/movie/song and why?

Mean Girls. Because I love Regina George.

In your spare time, what do you enjoy doing?


How are you practicing self-care during this difficult time?

Meditation and physical exercise.

How are you adjusting to remote life and what are your tips to stay motivated?

I am just doing what I need to do.

As a Point Community College Scholarship Recipient, what is your message to other LGBTQ+ students?

Keep focused on your dreams, and never give up.

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This post’s responses were submitted by Point Community College Scholarship Recipient Melissa Santiago (She/Her/Hers).

Santiago currently pursuing a degree in biotechnology at Miami Dade College. Read more about Melissa here.

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