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January 07, 2022

Hope Harris

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Meet Point Flagship Scholar Jo Lew

January 07, 2022
Hope Harris

The Point Flagship scholarship for LGBTQ students provides financial assistance, mentoring, leadership programming, and more, to help LGBTQ students attending 4-year colleges or graduate schools achieve their dreams. Learn more about the program and apply to join this year's class at

Why did you choose your major or program? 

I chose to study Political Science, Public Policy, and Human Rights because I've seen the way that our government and society have treated marginalized peoples and I felt that enough was enough. I've been interested in activism and institutional change from a young age and it's only appropriate for me to study these things so I can be more educated and sensitive to the world around me. Change needs to happen and no one can make the change you want better than you can.

What is a fun fact about you that few people know?

I used to do synchronized swimming and I'm able to do a spot-on Pikachu impression!

What is your favorite song and why?

I love "Lights Up" by Harry Styles because I think of this song as a "coming-to-realization" song about self-discovery and self-acceptance. Living unabashedly as yourself is a huge theme in my life and this song is a perfect embodiment of that theme!

What is your current favorite streaming binge and why?

Definitely anything Marvel-related on Disney Plus, I'm a huge Marvel buff. (My dog is named after the Winter Soldier, his name is Bucky!)

What is your favorite hobby or activity you like to do in your free time?

I love to sing, play ukulele, lift weights, and hang out with friends! Working out is definitely a huge stress reliever so I try to do that as much as I can.

How have your identities (race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender) affected your college experience?

Being an Asian, bisexual, non-binary person has definitely made my college experience interesting. I was really scared about attending SMU because I thought that I would feel alone but I've found different communities on campus that have made me feel like I'm home. It was a bit scary to navigate campus life alone but I found the people who made me happy and they're the people that I can see as my lifelong friends.

How do you practice self-care?

I like to work out, listen to music, hang out with my friends, and play with my dog. I also go to some lakes in Dallas and sit in the back of a car and journal.

How are you adjusting to the "new normal" as we're emerging from this pandemic? Do you have any tips for other students who are going back to college this semester?

I've been taking time to readjust to social settings and allowing myself some grace in terms of easing back to a normal social life. I've realized that some things I enjoyed before overwhelm me now and I'm open to exploring new passions and activities! Don't feel pressured to immediately jump back into pre-pandemic life: it was hectic to begin with and it's okay to look for and prioritize different things now. Do what works best for you because living a "normal" life doesn't necessarily mean that it was healthy.

This post’s responses were submitted by Point Flagship Scholar Jo Lew (They/Them).

Jo is currently, Public Policy, and Human Rights at Southern Methodist University. Read more about the Point Flagship Scholarship for LGBTQ students program here.

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