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August 23, 2021

Hope Harris

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6 Ways to Have the Best Fall Semester, According to LGBTQ Students

August 23, 2021
Hope Harris

Heading back to school? 2021 Point Scholars Michael Davidson, Jennifer Faris, Andreas Copes, Alexzander Baesten, and Nicholas Rodriguez have some tried and true tips to help you start the year off right!

1. Organize your time

"Get organized! Once you know your schedule and get your syllabi, write important dates on a calendar and your planner." - Michael Davidson (he/him), Point BIPOC Scholar

2. Build Your Community

"My back-to-school tip (specifically as a transfer student who has never been at my university in person): I highly suggest finding peers and people who lift you up. College life is hard, there is no time and energy for people who drag you down. So, find people who uplift and support you." - Andreas Copes (he/they), Point Flagship Scholar

3. Avoid Burnout

"Make time in your schedule to rest and recharge when you begin to feel burnt out or exhausted from your work and set boundaries and limits for yourself when it comes to accepting new projects, roles, and responsibilities onto your plate." - Alexzander Baesten (they/them), Point Community College Scholar

"I just finished my first semester of undergrad and that was the first time in 5 years since I've been to school, so it was definitely a readjustment. My #1 piece of advice is to do your homework as soon as possible and PACE YOURSELF. I experienced major burnout by the end of the semester, which resulted in some assignments not turned in." - Nicholas Rodriguez (he/him), Point Community College Scholar

3. Prioritize Your Mental Health

Art Credit: @mellow.doodles on Instagram

"My best, and probably most difficult to put into practice, back-to-school tip is to learn to prioritize your mental health and your relationships. Your academic endeavors are certainly worth the investment of your time and energy, but it is detrimental to both your performance and your mental health to allow them to consume your life. If you begin to feel as though you don’t have time to make plans with your loved ones, engage in your hobbies/interests, or take breaks for self-care and rest, then it’s time to step back and re-evaluate how much you’ve been putting on your plate." - Alexzander Baesten

5. Explore!

"Explore everything. You may enter school feeling grounded in your major choice but it might change. I encourage folks to allow it to happen." - Nicholas Rodriguez

This post's responses were submitted by Point Flagship Scholar Andreas Copes, Point BIPOC Scholar Michael Davidson, and Point Community College Scholars Alexzander Baesten, Jennifer Faris, and Nicholas Rodriguez.

Read more about our Flagship, BIPOC, and Community College Scholarships.

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