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November 02, 2016


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Ask a Scholar: Do you have any advice for someone applying for a Point...

November 02, 2016



Hi! I applied last year and made it to the semi-finalist round. My test scores are very mediocre, but I have SO many other things going on to speak to my capabilities. Last year when I applied, it was my first year in my doctoral program. This year, my CV is super beefed up, and I have a far more narrowed vision for my future work. Do you have any additional recommendations for passing through the application process?


Point Scholar Dawn Betts-Green responds: 

I definitely understand your situation. I applied three times before finally making the cut. My first application was at the end of my Master's and I had very vague ideas about what I wanted to do. The second time was my first year of doctoral work, and again, nothing was very solidified. I didn't even make it to phone interviews either time.  I believe my third and final application succeeded because I’d had the time to really plan my future work and how it would help the LGBTQ community. I had done presentations and was in the midst of several queer-related projects. If your CV is beefed up and your topic is narrowed, my best advice to you is to keep up your work and demonstrate your passion. Your tests don't have to be perfect, but you do need to be passionate about what you do and how it will support the queer community. Best of luck!


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